Our TES team 2nd Six Weeks challenge is going strong! The staff has gone all in showing kindness to others, visiting each others classrooms to learn something new, making positive contacts, and showing up each day ready to tackle any challenge in front of them.
More fun from Piney Park!
Don't forget!!! Next week is HOMECOMING!!! Tigers dress up all week and show your school spirit!!! Remember: all costumes must be in school dress code!!
We were excited to have parents and our own counselor Ms. Stacie tag along as well.
Ms. Albert and Mrs. Garcia's 2nd and 3rd graders enjoyed a day out at Piney Park in Marshall last Thursday. Our students had tons of fun with activities from mazes, tractor rides, giant slides, to a walk along the Spooky Trail. They also learned how to make their own compost bins and what items in our environment can or can't break down. They also painted their very own pumpkin. Mrs. Ward was excited to tag along and super proud of how well they behaved and interacted during the outdoor lesson.
Fun Friday was in full effect in kinder! Mrs. King and Ms. Gracie's class showed their artistic talents painting. We aren't sure who had more fun, the students, or Ms. Gracie:) All of our students can enjoy their masterpieces as they walk down the elementary hallway.
This week, the elementary staff "wrote up" some of our big kids who assist our teachers daily in the classroom. Not only is this an excellent opportunity for our juniors and seniors to gain experience as an educator, but it is a huge help to our staff and students. Great job to all of our students who earned positive office referrals this week!
BEST OF LUCK to our Tenaha XC teams as they are running at the District Meet today!! You have put in the work, now bring it home!!!
ATTENTION TIGERNATION!! Please note the time changes for the Homecoming Day Festivities!
Saturday, October 21st
2:00-4:00: Tenaha ISD Athletic Booster Club will be selling half chicken, potato salad, and baked bean Plates for $10 at the Fire Station!! All proceeds go to benefit Tenaha ISD Athletic Programs
2:00 PM - Hall of Honor Reception - TISD Cafetorium
3:30 PM - Homecoming Parade - Downtown Tenaha
6:30 PM - Introduction of Homecoming Court and Crowning of 2023 Homecoming Queen
7:00 PM - Kick Off vs Cushing
Half-time - Presentation of Hall of Honor Recipients on field
We cannot wait to see you!!!
Delivery Day is tomorrow for our Big Kahuna Fundraiser!
Dress Up Days for HOCO 2023 have been announced!! Make plans now and show your school spirit by participating all week! Please REMEMBER: All costumes/outfits MUST follow school dress code or you will be asked to call home for a change of clothes. Homecoming Week is October 16-21; with a student early release schedule for Friday, October 20th. Homecoming will take place on Saturday, October 21st with the parade beginning at 10:30am followed by the Athletic Booster Club Hamburger sale downtown. The Athletic Hall of Honor Reception will be held at 5pm. Pre-game festivities will begin at 6:30 with kick-off set for 7pm against Cushing! If any class (ending in a "3") is needing a location to host their Class Reunion, please contact the Administration Office for assistance! We look forward to seeing everyone this year; GOOOO TIGERS!!!
Here are the current winners for the Canned Food Drive after today's tally!!
Congratulations to our Homecoming Court for 2023!
Senior Class Duchess - Ka'Nyia Hill
Junior Class Duchess - Lilliunna Horton
Sophomore Class Duchess - Arieunna Horton
Freshman Class Duchess - Kendilyn Bell
Band - Arlette Ramirez
Beta - Gladys Tovar
Football - Christal Sparks
JCC - Melissa Flores
Yearbook - Kayanna Cox
There will be a MANDATORY duchess/sweetheart meeting TOMORROW ( to go over guidelines and schedule) immediately following High School lunch in the cafeteria. Bio information will be due Wednesday morning by 9am and Court photos will be Thursday morning following Cap & Gown photos!
Tenaha ISD will host it's first blood drive of the year on October 10th. If you are interested in signing up, please go by Mrs. Flournoy's Room or scan the barcode on the fliers posted around campus. If you are interested in donating for someone, you can contact Mrs. Flournoy to sign up, flournoycheryl@tenahaisd.com.
This Thursday, we will be having Fall Retakes, Senior and Kindergarten Cap & Gown photos, along with Homecoming Court photos! These will begin around 7:45am with Senior Cap & Gown.
Seniors: Please see your google classroom for specific information on what to wear for these photos.
TigerNation!! Don't forget that the BETA/Yearbook Canned Food Drive started TODAY!! This will be a fun competition between grades to see who can bring the most over the next few days! Please make sure the items are not expired and shelf stable!! We will be gifting this offering to SAKS of Love at the conclusion of the food drive!
A BIG Tiger Shoutout to these two Tigers!! Mrs. Cloudy "wrote them both up" for their POSITIVE BEHAVIOR and IMPROVEMENTS in class!!
She says that Kaleb is always respectful and polite. He even helped her rearrange the room for testing. Great job Kaleb and keep leading by example!
Mrs. Cloudy also wants to recognize Ferg for the improvements she has witnessed in the first 6 Weeks. His attitude has improved tremendously and he has been making some great choices lately! Great job, Ferg!! Keep up the great work:)
Great job TIGERS!!
Congratulations to these Tigers for getting positive office referrals this week! From having good manners, to helping out their peers, and showing perseverance in class, these kids are doing what it takes to succeed.
Take a look at these awesome students and their Ag Mechanic competition Entries!!! These senior dual credit welders participated in the Poultry Festival Ag Mechanics competition yesterday. The custom fire pit/grills were both cut in a 4x4 octagon; even the Texas designs were hand cut! There were almost 50 metal entries in this year's contest. Great job TIGERS!! Thank you for representing TISD and Panola College welding!
BETA and TigerMedia are hosting a Fall Food Drive starting Monday, October 9th through October 19th! Each grade level will participate and the grade with the most cans will receive a juice/donut party to celebrate!
We will need UNEXPIRED, SHELF STABLE canned food items. The items will be delivers to SAKS of Love once the drive concludes!
Thank you for your help and BEST OF LUCK TO OUR TIGERS!! May the best GRADE LEVEL WINNNNN!